About 69% of retailers reported a jump in organized retail crime in the past year, citing factors ranging from the pandemic to changes in sentencing guidelines, according to a 2021 retail security survey by the National Retail Federation. Shoplifting accounts for around 37% of retail loss in the United States with the other losses being 33.5% clerical errors and 30% employee theft according to the National Retail Federation.
Here are some Tips To Prevent Retail Theft:
1. Educate & Train Your Employees- Make sure they know your Theft Policies and what to look for in shoplifting methods. Attentive and Engaged Staff with Customers is a good preventive tool. Have staff greet customers upon entry to enhance a customer’s experience and make them aware they are being watched.
2. Install Security Cameras, Signs, Security Tags & Mirrors- One of the best ways to deter thieves is to let them know they are being watched. Cameras will catch the crime to prosecute shoplifters later. Security Cameras have been known to reduce shoplifting by 50%.
3. Keep Your Store Organized & Optimize Your Store’s Layout- Organization helps with your employees being able to easily see the product is in the right location. Your more expensive or sought-after items should be in higher visibility areas to prevent theft. Locked cabinets can be used.
4. Maintain Adequate Staffing- Employees are your best tool to retail theft and especially important around peak times and holidays.
5. Get Law Enforcement Involved- Shoplifting is described as addictive by The National Association for Shoplifting Prevention. You don’t want to be known as an easy target. Law enforcement can also better help with tips to theft prevention and making sure the thieves learn from their mistakes.
Give Security America a call at 888-832-6732 for further assisting in security consulting or using security officers at your location.